
𝖂𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝖙𝖔 đ•ŋ𝖎𝖑𝖙𝖊𝖉 đ•ŋ𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖗𝖘
ℭđ”Ŧđ”Ēđ”ĸ đ”Ļđ”Ģ 𝔠đ”Ŧđ”Ēđ”ĸ đ”Ļđ”Ģ! 𝔚đ”Ĩđ”ļ 𝔡đ”Ŧđ”Ģ'𝔱 đ”ļđ”Ŧ𝔲 𝔰𝔱𝔞đ”ļ 𝔞𝔴đ”Ĩđ”Ļ𝔩đ”ĸ?
(Under a reconstruction)

đ•Ŧ𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝕸𝖊

īŊĄīžŸīŊĨ𝙂𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞đ™Ŗ𝙜𝙨, đ™ĸ𝙮 đ™Ŗ𝙖đ™ĸ𝙚 𝙞𝙨 𝙅𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧, 𝙩𝙝𝙤đ™Ē𝙜𝙝 𝙮𝙤đ™Ē 𝙘𝙖đ™Ŗ 𝙟đ™Ē𝙨𝙩 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡 đ™ĸ𝙚 𝙅𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙚īŊĄīžŸīŊĨ

âžŧ𝘐 đ˜ĸ𝘮 16. 𝘒đ˜Ļđ˜Ļ𝘱 đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜ĸđ˜ĩ đ˜Ēđ˜¯ 𝘮đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜Ĩ 𝘸𝘩đ˜Ļđ˜¯ đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜ĩđ˜Ļđ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜ĩđ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜¨ 𝘸đ˜Ēđ˜ĩ𝘩 𝘮đ˜Ļ. âžŧ𝘔đ˜ē 𝘱đ˜ŗđ˜°đ˜¯đ˜°đ˜ļđ˜¯đ˜´ đ˜ĸđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ 𝘛𝘩đ˜Ļđ˜ē/𝘛𝘩đ˜Ļ𝘮 𝘩đ˜Ļ/𝘩đ˜Ē𝘮, 𝘍đ˜ĸđ˜Ļ/𝘍đ˜ĸđ˜Ļđ˜ŗ đ˜ĸđ˜¯đ˜Ĩ 𝘧đ˜ĸđ˜ļđ˜¯ / 𝘧đ˜ĸđ˜ļđ˜¯đ˜´đ˜Ļ𝘭𝘧âžŧ 𝘐 đ˜ĸ𝘮 đ˜Ŗ𝘭đ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜Ŧ 𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘮đ˜ĸđ˜ē đ˜ļ𝘴đ˜Ļ đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļ 𝘕 𝘸𝘰đ˜ŗđ˜Ĩ. 𝘐𝘧 đ˜ē𝘰đ˜ļ đ˜ĸđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ đ˜ļđ˜¯đ˜¤đ˜°đ˜Žđ˜§đ˜°đ˜ŗđ˜ĩđ˜ĸđ˜Ŗ𝘭đ˜Ļ 𝘸đ˜Ēđ˜ĩ𝘩 đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜ĸđ˜ĩ đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļđ˜¯ đ˜ĩđ˜Ļ𝘭𝘭 𝘮đ˜Ļ, 𝘐 đ˜Ĩđ˜°đ˜¯'đ˜ĩ 𝘮đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜Ĩ. âžŧ 𝘐 𝘭đ˜Ēđ˜Ŧđ˜Ļ đ˜ĩ𝘰 𝘱𝘭đ˜ĸđ˜ē 𝘨đ˜ĸ𝘮đ˜Ļ𝘴, đ˜ĩ𝘩𝘰đ˜ļ𝘨𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘴đ˜ĩ 𝘰𝘧 đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļ đ˜ĩđ˜Ē𝘮đ˜Ļ đ˜ē𝘰đ˜ļ 𝘮đ˜ĸđ˜ē đ˜Ģđ˜ļ𝘴đ˜ĩ 𝘧đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜Ĩ 𝘮đ˜Ļ đ˜Ĩđ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘸đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜¨.


𝕲𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖗𝖆𝖑 đ•Ŧ𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕭𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖘

✧;; 𝘞đ˜Ē𝘭𝘭 𝘞𝘰𝘰đ˜Ĩ, 𝘎𝘰đ˜ŗđ˜Ē𝘭𝘭đ˜ĸđ˜ģ, 𝘊𝘰𝘴𝘮𝘰 𝘚𝘩đ˜Ļ𝘭đ˜Ĩđ˜ŗđ˜ĸđ˜Ŧđ˜Ļ, 𝘑đ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜Ŧ đ˜Šđ˜°đ˜¯đ˜ĩđ˜Ļ, 𝘌𝘷đ˜Ļ, 𝘒đ˜Ēđ˜Ŧđ˜ļ𝘰

𝕮𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 đ•Ŧ𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖘

✧;; 𝘊đ˜ĸ𝘮đ˜Ē𝘭𝘭đ˜Ļ 𝘚đ˜ĸđ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜ĩ-𝘚đ˜ĸÃĢđ˜¯đ˜´, 𝘗đ˜ē𝘰đ˜ĩđ˜ŗ 𝘐𝘭đ˜ēđ˜Ē𝘤𝘩 𝘛𝘤𝘩đ˜ĸđ˜Ēđ˜Ŧ𝘰𝘷𝘴đ˜Ŧđ˜ē, 𝘋𝘮đ˜Ēđ˜ĩđ˜ŗđ˜Ē 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘴đ˜ĩđ˜ĸđ˜Ŧ𝘰𝘷đ˜Ē𝘤𝘩


✧;; đ˜đ˜¯đ˜ĩ𝘰 đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļ 𝘞𝘰𝘰đ˜Ĩ𝘴, 𝘚𝘸đ˜Ļđ˜Ļđ˜¯đ˜ē 𝘛𝘰đ˜Ĩđ˜Ĩ đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļ 𝘋đ˜Ļđ˜Žđ˜°đ˜¯ 𝘉đ˜ĸđ˜ŗđ˜Ŗđ˜Ļđ˜ŗ 𝘰𝘧 𝘍𝘭đ˜Ļđ˜Ļđ˜ĩ 𝘚đ˜ĩđ˜ŗđ˜Ļđ˜Ļđ˜ĩ, 𝘛𝘩đ˜Ļ 𝘊𝘰đ˜ļđ˜¯đ˜ĩ 𝘰𝘧 đ˜”đ˜°đ˜¯đ˜ĩđ˜Ļ 𝘊đ˜ŗđ˜Ē𝘴đ˜ĩ𝘰


✧;; 𝘚đ˜Ŧđ˜ēđ˜ŗđ˜Ē𝘮, đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļ 𝘓𝘰𝘡 𝘴đ˜Ļđ˜ŗđ˜Ēđ˜Ļ𝘴, 𝘐đ˜Ĩđ˜Ļđ˜¯đ˜ĩđ˜Ēđ˜ĩđ˜ē 𝘝,(𝘐𝘧 đ˜ē𝘰đ˜ļ đ˜ĸđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ đ˜ĸ đ˜ŗđ˜ĸđ˜Ĩđ˜Ē𝘤đ˜ĸ𝘭 𝘧đ˜ĸđ˜¯ 𝘰𝘧 đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ē𝘴 𝘨đ˜ĸ𝘮đ˜Ļ đ˜Ĩ𝘰 đ˜¯đ˜°đ˜ĩ đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜ĩđ˜Ļđ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜ĩ 𝘱𝘭đ˜Ļđ˜ĸ𝘴đ˜Ļ.) 𝘎đ˜Ļđ˜¯đ˜´đ˜Šđ˜Ēđ˜¯ 𝘐𝘮𝘱đ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜ĩ, 𝘚đ˜Ŧđ˜ē 𝘊𝘩đ˜Ē𝘭đ˜Ĩđ˜ŗđ˜Ļđ˜¯ 𝘰𝘧 đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļ 𝘓đ˜Ē𝘨𝘩đ˜ĩ, 𝘔đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜Ļ𝘤đ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘧đ˜ĩ, 𝘙𝘰đ˜Ŗ𝘭𝘰𝘹 (𝘴𝘰𝘮đ˜Ļđ˜ĩđ˜Ē𝘮đ˜Ļ𝘴)


➜ I am very approachable don't be afraid to come have a chat!➜ Though not diagnosed I suffer from symptoms of PTSD, this year my experience with these symptoms have gotten terribly bad so please be mindful of my triggers. (Will list them below)➜ Jesters..Clowns... they have my heart. Literally the energy they have,, I wish I had that sort of energy, maybe one day.➜ Used to be in boxing and gymnastics, boxing 2 years and gymnastics 11 years. I did dance for 2 before quitting at age 4 so that's something.➜ I use Pony Town, I like character creating on it.

➜ 𝘐 𝘩đ˜ĸ𝘷đ˜Ļ đ˜Ŗđ˜Ļđ˜Ļđ˜¯ 𝘱đ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜ĩđ˜Ē𝘤đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜¨ 𝘸đ˜Ēđ˜ĩ𝘤𝘩𝘤đ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘧đ˜ĩ 𝘧𝘰đ˜ŗ 4, 𝘨𝘰đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜¨ đ˜°đ˜¯ 5 đ˜ēđ˜Ļđ˜ĸđ˜ŗ𝘴 đ˜¯đ˜°đ˜¸. 𝘐 đ˜Ĩđ˜°đ˜¯â€™đ˜ĩ 𝘴𝘱đ˜Ļđ˜ĸđ˜Ŧ 𝘮đ˜ļ𝘤𝘩 đ˜ĸđ˜Ŗ𝘰đ˜ļđ˜ĩ đ˜Ēđ˜ĩ đ˜Ŗđ˜ļđ˜ĩ đ˜Ē𝘧 đ˜ē𝘰đ˜ļ đ˜ĸđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜ĩđ˜Ļđ˜ŗđ˜Ļ𝘴đ˜ĩđ˜Ļđ˜Ĩ đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜Ļđ˜¯ 𝘐’đ˜Ĩ đ˜Ŗđ˜Ļ 𝘮𝘰đ˜ŗđ˜Ļ đ˜ĩ𝘩đ˜ĸđ˜¯ 𝘸đ˜Ē𝘭𝘭đ˜Ēđ˜¯đ˜¨ đ˜ĩ𝘰 đ˜ĩđ˜ĸ𝘭đ˜Ŧ đ˜ĸđ˜Ŗ𝘰đ˜ļđ˜ĩ 𝘮đ˜ē 𝘤đ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘧đ˜ĩ /𝘱đ˜ŗđ˜ĸ𝘤đ˜ĩđ˜Ē𝘤đ˜Ļ!

𝕮𝖔𝖒𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙 / 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘 𝕴 𝖊𝖓𝖏𝖔𝖞 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖑𝖎𝖐𝖊

Mike Morton(IDV) Robbie White(IDV)
Emil(IDV) Razor(GI) Thoma(GI) Scaramoche(GI) Skull Kid (LoZ) Link (BotW)
Speedwagon (JJBA) Josuke(JJBA)
Captain Jack Sparrow(PotC)
Tails(StH) Shadow(StH)
Kedamono(PtP) Popee(PtP)
Discord (MLP)
The characters listed below are ones I am extremely protective over/ almost had DA's too, so be careful when discussing them with me.
Mike Morton(IDV)



☆ Long way cuts, cuts in general☆ Threats of suicide☆ Do not yell at me.☆ Arguments☆ CP, R//e☆ If you know me irl then mentions of certain people (K.C.)☆ Online I am fine but offline certain smells, vocal tones, and speech patterns tend to make me upset/ panic.Discomforts☆ Excessive talk about kins / Kinnies(I don't kin but I respect those who do, just please don't talk about it around me it makes me incredibly uncomfortable !!!)☆ DSMP/MCYT☆ Certain IDV ships (ask)☆ IDV Jack the Ripper and Aesop Carl apologists- just please please please don't talk to me about them.☆ Interrogation☆ Rude jokes directed at me☆ Itto (genshin)☆ League of Legends☆ Nortnaib shippers and TonTon extremists (I ship tonton but when you start making it fetish like it's disgusting)DNIKC (I really never want to see you ever again you ruined my life genuinely)If you are Plush, Poison, Ghoul. You are awful people. Genuinely.Get upset after being told to stop making fun of someone.Use slurs you cannot reclaim, even if you retype it.Get upset that someone has a discomfort and tells you they do.


This here is my best friend and by god he is the closet man I have in my life. Despite my trails and tribulations he has managed to help me change into a better person and be more trustworthy of others- If it weren't for him I wouldn't be who I am today and that's a fact. I'm so glad that we are as close as we are today and it makes me happy everyday just talking to him. But anyways hes a goofster !!!

The faggots I associate with

My Friends!!
Other mentions
ALL OF TCK I LOVE Y'ALL, Special mentions Kenny !!!, Zero, Em, Ash